Financial information for people living in Korea

Friday, May 8, 2020

Car Insurance Checking and Signing up event (8th.May.2020 version)

Car Insurance Checking and Signing up event in Korea (8th.May.2020 version)

Every year, when auto insurance is to be renewed in Korea, we can change the insurance company for better price every year.
The price and conditions of auto insurances varies every year.
So, I check it every year and I choose the best one of the year. 

And while I do the checking, some insurance companies pay money by event.
No need to end up with signing up in that insurance company.
Just simply checking the price and condition only will pay money.

And plus, when signing up a new insurance company, they also give you discount also.

So, I will explain which company and how much, as below;

I found some more information for Car Insurance Checking and Signing up event. So, I wrote this post by added some information to Yesterday's post. 
I believe that today's post would be almost the perfect information about Car Insurance Checking and Signing up event in Korea. 

Updated : 
- Benefits from major credit card companies in Korea added. 
- Benefits that you can get even when you renew your insurance this year with the same insurer you signed up with last year.

(1) Checking and Money receiving Event

  - You can check insurance companies' price and condition for a purpose of comparing each insurance companies' price and conditions through Naver Pay or, Hana members, TMON, GS-Point, and so on. 
    Then, you get paid the money amount described in below; 
    Very easy and free money. So, there is no reason not to check all those insurance companies.
    (Available only when you check the price for insurance company that you didn't buy last year. And once you get paid for a insurance company, that insurance company doesn't pay you again for this year. So, you have to choose the best one among Naver Pay, Hana Members and GS-Point, and so on.

Insurance Company

Naver Pay

Hana Members



Samsung Card

Hyundai Card

Shinhan Card

KB Insurance








SamsungFire Insurance








DB Insurance








Hyundai Insurance








The-K (Educar) Insurance








  (Unit : WON)

In the above table, Red Colored price is the best.
 - KB Insurance : Hana Members
 - SamsungFire Insurance : Hana Members
 - DB Insurance :  Naver Pay, Hana Members
 - Hyungdai Insurance :  Naver Pay
 - The-K(Educar) Insurance :   Naver Pay
are the best.
Other companies are providing less money this month.

[ Procedure ]
a. Go to those Naver Pay and Hana Members site or app.
b. Then, find event section.
c. Then, find exact event for those car insurance companies.
d. Apply it and check the price and condition.
e. Receive the award.

(2) Signing up and Money receiving Event

  - You can sign up for the best price insurance company among them. Then, they pay you again. 
    (Available only when you check the price for insurance company that you didn't buy last year.)

Insurance Company

Naver Pay




Samsung Card

Hyundai Card

Shinhan Card

KB Card

DB Insurance









Hyundai Insurance









KB Insurance









Hanhwa Insurance









The K (Educar) Insurance









Carrot Insurance









Through, SK M&Service', below 8 insurance company
(DB, Hyungdai, Carrot, Hanhwa, AXA, Joy(MG), The-K(Educar), Heungkuk)









Below 8 insurance company;
(DB, Hyungdai, Carrot, Hanhwa, AXA, Joy(MG), The-K(Educar), Heungkuk)









  (Unit : WON)

[ Procedure ]
a. Chose your insurance company this year while you do "(1) Checking and Money receiving Event"  section.
b. Go to site or app, among Naver Pay or OK-Cashbag, TMON, U+, and so on.
c. Then, find event section for your chosen insurance company.
d. Apply it and sign up the insurance.
e. Receive the award.

(3) Renewal and Money receiving Event

  - DB Insurance and KB Insurance, they provide money even when you renew at same insurance company that you bought last year.


Samsung Card

KB Card

KB Insurance, 

DB Insurance



[ Procedure ]
a. Chose your insurance company this year while you do "(1) Checking and Money receiving Event"  section. And if KB insurance or DB insurance is one of them,
b. Go to site or app, among Samsung Card or KB Card.
c. Then, find event section for your chosen insurance company.
d. Apply it and sign up the insurance.
e. Receive the award.

I compared car insurance premiums to all 10 insurance companies above today.
The price varies from 7XX,XXX WON/year to 1,2XX,XXX WON/year for me. (These premiums vary depending on the conditions of each person.) 
The difference is bigger than I thought.

In my condition (four-person family), DB insurance is the cheapest this month. So, I paid for DB insurance today.

It changes every year.
KB Insurance was the cheapest in 2019 and Samsung Insurance was the cheapest in years before 2018.
For me, for many years, only Samsung insurance was the cheapest and the best.
But, since last year, Samsung Insurance has started not to be the minimum insurance premium. And this year, another insurance company(DB) became the cheapest again.

As I feel every year, according to my experience of comparing prices, Major seems to be "Samsung, Hyundai, DB, KB" in auto insurance.
The prices of these companies seem relatively good. The other six companies seem to be a more expensive every year. (That's under my conditions.) The conditions are different for each person, so please check all the insurance companies' price if you can.)

This information will be updated every month.
If you know any other good events, please let me know in the comments and I'll reflect them in every update.

Thank you.

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